Technically Co-sponsored Conferences

Past Conferences

Conference Name and Organizers Dates Location Downloads
25th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation [MED 2017]
General Chair(s): Simon G. Fabri, Didier Theilliol
Program Chair(s): Xenofon Koutsoukos, Marvin Bugeja
- Valletta, Malta
International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems [ICUAS 2017]
General Chair(s): YangQuan Chen, Rogelio Lozano, Antonios Tsourdos
Program Chair(s): Youmin Zhang, James Morrison, Terrence Martin
- Miami, FL, United States
6th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes [AdCONIP 2017]
General Chair(s): Cheng-Liang Chen
Program Chair(s): Biao Huang
- Taipei, Taiwan Program
6th International Conference on Systems and Control [ICSC 2017]
General Chair(s): Tayeb Bouzid, Ahmed Hammouch
Program Chair(s): Driss Mehdi, Said Drid
- Batna, Algeria
3rd Indian Control Conference [ICC 2017]
General Chair(s): Mathukumalli Vidyasagar
Program Chair(s): Ramkrishna Pasumarthy
- Guwahati, India
14th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision [ICARCV 2016]
General Chair(s): Changyun Wen
Program Chair(s): Rong Su
- Phuket, Thailand
16th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems [ICCAS 2016]
General Chair(s): Kyung Chul Shin, Soon-Guel Lee
Program Chair(s): Kang-Hyun Jo
- Gyeongju, South Korea
20th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing [ICSTCC 2016]
General Chair(s): Vladimir Răsvan
Program Chair(s): Rogelio Lozano
- Sinaia, Romania
3rd Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems [SysTol 2016]
General Chair(s): Vicenç Puig
Program Chair(s): Dominique Sauter
- Barcelona, Spain
21st International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics [MMAR 2016]
General Chair(s): Zbigniew Emirsajłow
Program Chair(s): T. Kaczorek
- Miedzyzdroje, Poland