Student Membership

The purpose of the IEEE CSS Student Membership is to help CSS student members learn professional skills, build strong international connections, experience being a participant of a strong society and at last but not least: having fun with these activities! By participating in the Control Systems Society (CSS) and its sponsored conferences, you can find researchers and professionals with common interests, increase peer recognition, extend your network and discover collaborative opportunities. This early involvement will be helpful to your career.

Becoming a Member

To join the Control Systems Society as a student, you must also be an IEEE Student Member. Becoming a CSS Student Member costs only $5 more!
Follow the instructions to become a student member at Make sure to select "Controls System Society" in the society list.

Student Member Eligibility

  • A student carrying at least 50% of a normal full-time academic program, in an IEEE-designated field of study.
  • Can hold membership as a Student Member or Graduate Student Member for a combined total of 8 years. Upon graduation or reaching the 8-year limit (whichever occurs first) with at least a baccalaureate degree (or equivalent) from an accredited institution in an IEEE-designated field, the individual will be automatically transferred to Member grade.

Benefits of IEEE CSS Student Membership

  • Reduced membership dues (students pay only 20% of the regular IEEE membership dues).
  • Qualification for student travel awards to attend the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) and the IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA). Please click here for more information.
  • Qualification for the Student Workshop Support Program to attend a workshop at the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) and the IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA). Please click here for more information.
  • Free subscriptions to IEEE Spectrum and IEEE Potentials magazines, both of which are very interesting and informative.
  • Stay on the cutting edge with online resources only available to IEEE members.
  • Network with peers and future employers, gaining valuable leadership experience, career contacts, and a better understanding of your field. You'll be amazed how receptive employers will be when seeing "IEEE Student Member" on your resume.
  • Opportunities to participate in IEEE-sponsored activities not open to the general student population.
  • Substantial discounts on more than 15,000 IEEE books, journals, videos and self-study courses.
  • Enhance your professional image with an IEEE email alias ([email protected]).
  • See more benefits at

Other IEEE CSS Student Programs

  • IEEE CSS promotes young professionals by holding the Newcomers Reception and the Young Attendees Reception at the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)
  • IEEE CSS hosts a “Meet the Faculty Candidates” poster session yearly at the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) for graduate students and postdoctoral researchers who are seeking faculty positions
  • NextCom is a committee formed by IEEE CSS to support and guide students, early career researchers, and young professionals along their way to becoming the next generation of established control systems engineers and researchers.

Note: IEEE CSS Student Membership is not required to participate in these student programs.

Join Now!

Apply for membership using your credit card at To sign up for IEEE CSS Student Activities, select "Control Systems Society" in the society list.

For More Information