IEEE Open Journal of Control Systems

Aim & Scope

The IEEE Open Journal of Control Systems covers the theory, design, optimization, and applications of dynamic systems and control. The field integrates elements of sensing, communication, decision and actuation components, as relevant for the analysis, design and operation of dynamic systems and control. The systems considered include: technological, physical, biological, economic, organizational and other entities, and combinations thereof.

Get Published in the New IEEE Open Journal of Control Systems

In keeping with IEEE's continued commitment to providing options to support the needs of all authors, IEEE is introducing an Open Journal for the Control Systems Society.

Submit a paper to the premier open-access journal in control systems!

We invite you to be among the first to have your article peer-reviewed and published in this new journal. This is an exciting opportunity for your research to benefit from the high visibility and interest the journal’s marketing launch will generate. Your work will also be exposed to 5 million unique monthly users of the IEEE Xplore® Digital Library.

The IEEE Open Journal of Control Systems (OJ-CSYS) will draw on the expert technical community to continue IEEE’s commitment to publishing the most highly cited content. The editor-in-chief is the distinguished Prof. Sonia Martínez. Our goal is to publish quickly. This journal is fully open and compliant with funder mandates, including Plan S.

IEEE Publishing Ethics Policy

UPCOMING Special Sections

Intersection on Machine Learning with Control (recurring) — Opens 1 Nov 2024


Find out more about current and upcoming special sections here.

The IEEE Open Journal of Control Systems is a new publication of the IEEE Control Systems Society. The journal aims to publish high-quality papers on the theory, design, optimization, and applications of dynamic systems and control.

The Editorial Board demonstrates the breadth of areas covered within the journal.

The journal’s main mission is the promotion of open access to all control systems research and education publications, including software, and data.

Some journal highlights include:

  • Special emphasis areas are the interplay between data science and control, and the interdisciplinary connection of dynamic systems and controls with diverse applications in biological, social, cognitive, and cyber-physical systems.
  • Publication categories include regular, overview, position/outlook, and tools papers. New paper types will be added soon, including tools for controls education. You can find more information on each paper type here.

Special Sections and Issues covering state-of-the-art trending topics will open soon. For more information, please visit the full OJ-CSYS website here:

Article Processing Charges (APCs)

US$1995 – effective 1 January 2024


  • IEEE Members receive a 5% discount.
  • IEEE Control Systems Society Members receive a 20% discount.
  • Partial discounts may be available for regular papers published in Vol. 3. Contact the Editorial Assistant for more information.

Discounts do not apply to undergraduate and graduate students. These discounts cannot be combined.

Check with your affiliation library for more possible discounts.

For papers submitted in 2023, the Article Processing Charge (APC) is US$1950 plus applicable local taxes.

Corresponding authors from low-income countries (as classified by the World Bank) are eligible for discounts on article processing charges. For more information, please visit the IEEE Author Center.

In a transformative agreement with the IEEE, the University of Illinois has agreed to cover the full cost of the article processing charges, or APCs, to corresponding authors at its campuses to publish open access in IEEE journals. See your library website for more details.

Discover if Your Institution Has an Open Access Agreement with IEEE

IEEE has open access (OA) agreements with over 500 institutions worldwide. These agreements are designed to make it convenient for institutions and funders to support open access publishing, manage costs for authors, and simplify the publishing process with many paying for article processing charges (APCs) in advance. To see if your institution has an OA agreement with IEEE, you can visit IEEE Open, browse the region list, or enter your institution name to search for your institution. 

Please note that even if your institution does not currently have an open access agreement with IEEE, you may still be able to apply research funds to publish open access in one of these journals. For more information, you may wish to check with your administrator or university librarian.


Sonia Martínez

University of California, San Diego
United States

Editorial Board

View the Editor(s)