All Conferences & Events

Current & Upcoming events

Conference Name and Organizers Dates Location Downloads
26th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing [ICSTCC 2022]
General Chair(s): Marian Barbu
Program Chair(s): Rogelio Lozano
- Sinaia, Romania
IEEE CSS Day 2022 [CSSDAY 2022] -
16th International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems and Sliding Mode Control [VSS 2022]
General Chair(s): Tiago Roux de Oliveira, Liu Hsu, Leonid Fridman
Program Chair(s): Tiago Roux de Oliveira, José Paulo V. S. Cunha
- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
SICE Annual Conference 2022 [SICE 2022]
General Chair(s): Ikuro Mizumoto
Program Chair(s): Noboru Sebe
- Kumamoto-Jo Hall, Kumamoto, Japan
26th International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics [MMAR 2022]
General Chair(s): Zbigniew Emirsajlow
Program Chair(s): Andrzej Bartoszewicz
- Międzyzdroje, Poland
6th IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications [CCTA 2022]
General Chair(s): Fabrizio Dabbene, Alessandro Beghi
Program Chair(s): Oliver Sawodny
- Trieste, Italy
Combining Learning and Control in Cyber-Physical Systems [WORKSHOP (CDC 2022)] - CDC 2022, Cancun, Mexico
41st Chinese Control Conference [CCC 2022]
General Chair(s): Feng Wu, Yiguang Hong
Program Chair(s): Zhijun Li, Jian Sun
- Hefei, China
30th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation [MED 2022]
General Chair(s): Kimon P. Valavanis, Maria Prandini
- Athens, Greece Program
IFAC Workshop Control for Smart Cities [CSC 2022]
General Chair(s): Silvia Siri
- Sozopol, Bulgaria