All Conferences & Events

Current & Upcoming events

Conference Name and Organizers Dates Location Downloads
2023 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Control Technologies [CEECT 2023]
General Chair(s): Tek-Tjing Lie
Program Chair(s): Jiawei Chen, Zhenzhi Lin, Anurag Sharma
- Chengdu, China
62nd Conference on Decision and Control [CDC 2023]
General Chair(s): Lihua Xie
Program Chair(s): Guoqiang Hu
- Singapore
Control of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles in Mixed Traffic [CDC 2023] - Marina Bay Sands, Singapore
Connected Automated Traffic Systems [CDC 2023] - Marina Bay Sands, Singapore
Learning and Control for Accessible, Safe, and Equitable Transportation [CDC 2023] - Marina Bay Sands, Singapore
2023 IEEE International Workshop on Mechatronic Systems Supervision [MSS 2023]
General Chair(s): Mohamed N. Abdelkrim
Program Chair(s): Ridha Abdennour, Didier Trichet, Dominique Martinez, Kamel Abdelrahim, Messaoud Amairi
- Hammamet, Tunisia
27th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing [ICSTCC 2023]
General Chair(s): Radu-Emil Precup
Program Chair(s): Maria Elena Valcher
- Timisoara, Romania
58th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing [ALLERTON 2023]
General Chair(s): Max Raginsky
Program Chair(s): Subhonmesh Bose
- Monticello, IL, USA Program
Autonomous, Connected, and Electrified Mobility Systems: Toward Human-Centered Paradigms [TC-SC ITSC 2023] - Bilbao, Spain
21st International Symposium and Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks [WiOpt 2023]
General Chair(s): Lingjie Duan, Jun Luo, Marwan Krunz
Program Chair(s): Tansu Alpcan, Carlee-Joe Wong, Lin Gao
- Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore