The aim of this Prize is to recognize young talents in the area of Process Control. The Prize recognizes excellence in a CDC paper whose primary contributor is a Student Member of the IEEE and the Technical Committee on Process Control. Historical Background: Established in 2023 Prize: A TC student award certificate. Basis for Judging: Originality, clarity, and potential impact on practical applications or theoretical foundations of process control. Eligibility: Primary contributor of a paper who was a Student Member of IEEE at the time of original submission at the CDC preceding the year of the award. Nomination Process: Any TC member can nominate a paper through an email to the TC chair. The email must include a statement that the primary contributor (i.e., first author) of the paper was a student at the time of paper submission. Self-nominations are allowed, but the nomination email must be carbon-copied to all the authors. Each paper can only be nominated for one TC prize; the nomination letter must include a statement to this effect. Nominations submitted to multiple TCs will be disqualified. Both the nominator and nominee must be IEEE and TC members at the time the nomination is submitted. Nomination Deadline: March 17, 2025 Past Award Winners: 2024 Faiq Ghawash (NTNU) for the paper Approximate Model Predictive Control of Switched Affine Systems Using Multitask Learning with Safety and Stability Guarantees, presented at CDC 2023. 2023 Julian D. Schiller (Leibniz University Hannover, Germany) for the paper Simple Suboptimal Moving Horizon Estimation Scheme With Guaranteed Robust Stability, presented at the CDC 2022.