Presentation Library

CDC 2015

Conference Plenary Lecture

Fragility of Networked Systems

Munther A. Dahleh

ACC 2015

Conference Plenary Lecture

Lean, Green, Flying Machines: Control Algorithms for Better Air Transportation Systems

Hamsa Balakrishnan
Conference Plenary Lecture

New Directions in Advanced Control of Semiconductor Manufacturing

Thomas F. Edgar

CDC 2014

Conference Plenary Lecture

Hybrid Systems: Analysis and Control

Claire Tomlin
Conference Plenary Lecture

PDE Control: Designs and Applications

Miroslav Krstic

ACC 2014

Conference Plenary Lecture

Semi-plenary: New Directions in Networked and Distributed Parameter Systems

Bassam Bamieh
Conference Plenary Lecture

Semi-plenary: Unlocking Performance - How Controls Will Shape The Upcoming Business Landscape

Dr. Juan de Bedout
Conference Plenary Lecture

Plenary: Symbiotic Relations: Control Theory and Practice

Keith Glover

CDC 2013

Conference Plenary Lecture

How to Give a Conference Talk - How Your Presentation Can Turn Bad

Yutaka Yamamoto
Conference Plenary Lecture

From Distributed Control Systems to Game Theory: There and Back Again

Jeff S. Shamma
Conference Plenary Lecture

Acrobatic Flight

Raffaello D'Andrea
Conference Plenary Lecture

Controlling Wind Energy for Utility Grid Reliability

Lucy Pao

MSC 2013

Conference Plenary Lecture

Signal Processing via Sampled-Data Control - A Challenge to Go Beyond Shannon

Yutaka Yamamoto
Conference Plenary Lecture


Maarten Steinbuch

ACC 2013

Conference Plenary Lecture

Game Theory: A Modern Approach to Multiagent Coordination

Jason Marden
Conference Plenary Lecture

Intelligent Monitoring and Decision Support in Healthcare Systems

Markus Fromherz
Conference Plenary Lecture

Event-Based Optimization of Stochastic Systems and Its Applications to Social, Financial, and Engineering Problems

Xi-Ren Cao