All Conferences & Events

Current & Upcoming events

Conference Name and Organizers Dates Location Downloads
23rd International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics [MMAR 2018]
General Chair(s): Zbigniew Emirsajłow
Program Chair(s): T. Kaczorek
- Miedzyzdroje, Poland Program
2nd IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications [CCTA 2018]
General Chair(s): Jakob Stoustrup, Thomas Parisini
Program Chair(s): Kristin Y. Pettersen
- Copehnhagen, Denmark
37th Chinese Control Conference [CCC 2018]
General Chair(s): Min Wu
Program Chair(s): Qianchuan Zhao, Xin Chen
- Wuhan, China
Summer School on Smart Cities [SSSC 2018]
General Chair(s): Jonas Mårtensson
Program Chair(s): Karl H. Johansson, Su Rong
- Stockholm, Sweden
2018 American Control Conference [ACC 2018]
General Chair(s): Jordan Berg
Program Chair(s): Zongli Lin
- Milwaukee, WI
International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems [ICUAS 2018]
General Chair(s): Youmin Zhang, Fulvia Quagliotti, Dawn Zoldi
Program Chair(s): Didier Theilliol, Tor Arne Johansen
- Dallas, Texas, USA
30th Chinese Control and Decision Conference [CCDC 2018]
General Chair(s): Fuli Wang, Guang-Hong Yang
Program Chair(s): Changyun Wen
- Shenyang, China Program
14th Workshop on Discrete Event Systems [WODES 2018]
General Chair(s): Francesco Basile
Program Chair(s): Pasquale Chiacchio, Alessandro Marino, Emiliano Di Marino, Enrico Ferrentino, Martina Lippi
- Sorrento Coast, Italy
21st ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control [HSCC 2018] - Porto, Portugal
SICE International Symposium on Control Systems [SICE ISCS 2018]
General Chair(s): Kenichiro Nonaka
Program Chair(s): Masaaki Kanno
- Tokyo, Japan Program