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Past Conferences Table

Conference Name and Organizers Dates Location Downloads
Conference on Control Applications [CCA 2002]
General Chair(s): Mike Grimble
Program Chair(s): Derek Atherton
- Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom Program
First International IEEE Symposium on Intelligent Systems [SIS 2002]
General Chair(s): Tariq Samad
Program Chair(s): Vladimir Jotsov
- Varna, Bulgaria
8th International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics [MMAR 2002]
General Chair(s): Zbigniew Emirsajłow
Program Chair(s): T. Kaczorek
- Szczecin, Poland
10th International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics [MMAR 2002]
General Chair(s): Zbigniew Emirsajłow
Program Chair(s): T. Kaczorek
- Miedzyzdroje, Poland
2nd International Conference on Nanotechnology [IEEE-NANO 2002]
General Chair(s): Clifford Lau
Program Chair(s): George Uslenghi
- Arlington, TX, United States
The Sixth International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control [MOVIC 2002]
General Chair(s): Takeshi Mizuno
Program Chair(s): Yoshihiro Suda
- Saitama, Japan
41st SICE Annual Conference [SICE 2002]
General Chair(s): Hiroshi Shibata
Program Chair(s): Hideki Kokame
- Osaka, Japan
7th International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems [VSS 2002]
General Chair(s): Asif Sabanovic
Program Chair(s): Vadim I. Utkin
- Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Workshop on Networking Games and Resource Allocation [WNGRA 2002]
General Chair(s): Eitan Altman
Program Chair(s): Vladimir Mazalov
- Petrozavodsk, Russia
10th Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation [MED 2002]
General Chair(s): Joao J. S. Sentieiro
Program Chair(s): Michael Athans
- Lisbon, Portugal