TC Outstanding Student Paper Prize

To recognize excellence in a CDC conference paper whose primary contributor(s) is a (are) Student Member(s) of the IEEE and the Technical Committee on Hybrid Systems.

Historical Background:

Established in 2020

A TC student award certificate.
Basis for Judging:
Originality, clarity, and potential impact on practical applications or theoretical foundations of hybrid systems.
Primary contributor(s) of a paper, who was a (were) Student Member(s) of the IEEE and the Technical Committee on Hybrid Systems at the time of original submission at the CDC preceding the year of the award.
Nomination Details:

Any TC member can nominate a paper through an email to the TC chair. The email needs to contain a statement that the primary contributor of the paper was a student at the time of paper submission. Self-nominations are allowed, but the nomination email must be carbon-copied to all the authors.

Sebastiaan van den Eijnden, Marcel Heertjes, Henk Nijmeijer, and Maurice Heemels