Editor Ahmad F. Taha Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering The University of Texas at San Antonio 1 UTSA Circle San Antonio, TX 78249 Email: [email protected] Website: http://engineering.utsa.edu/ataha Welcome to Issue 370 of the CSS E-letter. To submit new articles, visit article submissions on the E-letter website. To subscribe, send an empty email to [email protected] and you will be automatically subscribed to the CSS E-Letter. To unsubscribe, please send a blank email to [email protected]. The next CSS E-Letter will be mailed out at the beginning of July 2019. E-Letter PDF Preview (click to download) Table of Contents 1. IEEE CSS Headlines 1.1 CSS Technically Cosponsored Events 1.2 IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest 1.3 IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 2. Miscellaneous 2.1 Italian PhD School on Automatic Control, Italy 2.2 Workshop on Control Engineering and Synthetic Biology, UK 2.3 Summer School of Automatic Control, France 3. Books 3.1 MPC-Based Reference Governors 3.2 Analytical Design of PID Controllers 3.3 Computer-Controlled Systems with Delay 4. Journals 4.1 Unmanned Systems 4.2 IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica 4.3 Systems & Control Letters 4.4 Asian Journal of Control 4.5 International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems 4.6 IET Control Theory & Applications: Special Issue 4.7 International Journal of Control 4.8 Automatica 4.9 Control Engineering Practice 4.10 Mechatronics 4.11 Journal of Process Control 4.12 Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 4.13 Annual Reviews in Control 4.14 Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems 4.15 European Journal of Control 4.16 ISA Transactions 4.17 Journal of the Franklin Institute 4.18 IFAC Journal of Systems and Control 4.19 CFP: Special Issue on Navigation and Control of UAVs 4.20 CFP: IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 4.21 CFP: IET Cyber-Systems & Robotics 5. Conferences & Workshops 5.1 Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation, Israel 5.2 InternationalWorkshop on Advanced Motion Control, Norway 5.3 International Conference on Digital Signal Processing, Spain 5.4 EuropeanWorkshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis, Italy 5.5 International Conference on Mechatronics and Robotics, Indonesia 5.6 International Robotic Sailing Conference, China 5.7 International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, South Korea 6. Positions 6.1 PhD: University of Gavle, Sweden 6.2 PhD: University of Lorraine, France 6.3 PhD: Western University, Canada 6.4 PhD: Graz University of Technology, Austria 6.5 PhD: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway 6.6 PhD: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway 6.7 PhD: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway 6.8 PhD: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway 6.9 PhD: University of Seville, Spain 6.10 PhD: GIPSA-lab, Grenoble, France 6.11 PhD: Hamburg University of Technology, Germany 6.12 PhD: The University of Sheffield, UK 6.13 PhD: University of Stuttgart, Germany 6.14 PhD: Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden 6.15 PhD: Coventry University, UK 6.16 PhD: University of New SouthWales, Australia 6.17 Postdoc: University of Groningen, The Netherlands 6.18 Postdoc: The Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 6.19 Postdoc: KTH, Sweden 6.20 Postdoc: INRIA, France 6.21 Postdoc: Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 6.22 Postdoc: Oxford, UK 6.23 Postdoc: University of Groningen, The Netherlands 6.24 Faculty: Northeastern University, USA 6.25 Faculty: University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA 6.26 Faculty: Paderborn University, Germany 6.27 Faculty: Delft Center for Systems and Control, The Netherlands 6.28 Faculty: Delft Center for Systems and Control, The Netherlands 6.29 Research Associate: University of New South Wales, Australia