Each year the IEEE designates as Fellows individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the electrical and electronics engineering profession. The CSS has two standing committees, with non-overlapping membership, that participate in the Fellow selection process. The chairs of these two committees, who must be IEEE Fellows and CSS members, are appointed by the BoG based on recommendations from the President-Elect and the Executive Committee. The chairs appoint the members of their committees. To view recipients of IEEE Fellow prior to 2018 or to view members elevated by other Societies or Councils please visit the CSS IEEE Fellows Archive. You can find more information regarding the IEEE Fellow Program along with a complete listing of IEEE Fellows here. A list of women CSS Fellows can be found by selecting the "Women" tab here. Nomination Details: The Fellow Evaluation Committee, which should have at least six members, evaluates the achievements of those nominees whose forms are forwarded to it by their respective nominators. (Each nomination designates a relevant IEEE Society that should be asked to provide an evaluation of the candidate's achievements.) The Fellow Evaluation Committee should be composed of IEEE Fellows whose joint expertise spans the breadth of technical specialties covered by the CSS. The Fellow Nomination Committee seeks out worthy candidates and nominators for those individuals in order to improve the pool of candidates for consideration as Fellows. 2023 Photo: Ying Tan For contributions to rehabilitation robotics Acceptance Speech × Photo: Abdelhamid Tayebi For contributions to the control of unmanned aerial vehicles and learning-based control for robot manipulators Acceptance Speech × Photo: Carolyn Beck For contributions to model reduction and to the analysis of epidemic processes over networks Acceptance Speech × Photo: Hong Chen For contributions to predictive control and applications in automotive systems Acceptance Speech × Photo: Dimos V. Dimarogonas For contributions to distributed and hybrid control of multi-agent systems Acceptance Speech × Photo: Kingsley Fregene For contributions to the autonomous control of unmanned vehicles Acceptance Speech × Photo: Javad Lavaei For contributions to nonlinear optimization in power systems Acceptance Speech × Photo: Henrik Sandberg for contributions to model reduction and secure control systems Acceptance Speech × Photo: Ling Shi For contributions to cyber-physical system optimization and security Acceptance Speech × 2022 Photo: Christophe Prieur for contribution to nonlinear control systems Acceptance Speech × Photo: Ricardo G. Sanfelice for contributions to hybrid feedback control systems Acceptance Speech × Photo: Daniel Abramovitch for contributions to the development of algorithms for control of mechatronic systems Acceptance Speech × Photo: Peter J. Seiler for contributions to robust control theory and computational tools Acceptance Speech × Photo: Behçet Açikmese for contributions to optimization-based nonlinear control and to planetary landing systems Acceptance Speech × Photo: Sandro Zampieri for contributions to distributed and networked control Acceptance Speech × Photo: Ming Cao for contributions to multi-agent control systems for sensor, robotic and social networks Acceptance Speech × Photo: Alessandro Chiuso for contributions to subspace and Bayesian identification methods Acceptance Speech × Photo: R. Scott Erwin for leadership and contributions to the development, implementation and on-orbit demonstration of spacecraft control technologies Acceptance Speech × Photo: Vijay Gupta for contributions to networked and cyber-physical systems Acceptance Speech × Photo: Roland Malhamé for contributions to mean-field games and stochastic hybrid systems Acceptance Speech × Photo: Shie Mannor for contributions to reinforcement learning and decision-making under uncertainty Acceptance Speech × Photo: Igor Mezic for contributions to modeling and control using Koopman operator techniques Acceptance Speech × 2021 Photo: Nathan van de Wouw for contributions to hybrid, data-based and networked control Acceptance Speech × Photo: Aaron Ames for contributions to hybrid and safety-critical nonlinear control with demonstration on robotic systems Acceptance Speech × Photo: Domitilla Del Vecchio for contributions to circuit engineering in synthetic biology Acceptance Speech × Photo: Hideaki Ishii for contributions to networked control of large-scale systems Acceptance Speech × Photo: Asuman Ozdaglar for contributions to distributed multi-agent networks Acceptance Speech × Photo: Gianluigi Pillonetto for contributions to kernel-based linear system identification Acceptance Speech × Photo: Chunjiang Qian for contributions to control and estimation of nonlinear systems Acceptance Speech × Photo: Daniel Quevedo for contributions to optimal and model predictive control Acceptance Speech × Photo: Jacquelien Scherpen for contributions to nonlinear model reduction and passivity-based control Acceptance Speech × Photo: Bruno Sinopoli for contributions to networked and secure control systems Acceptance Speech × 2020 Photo: Sonja Glavaski-Radovanovic for leadership in energy systems Acceptance Speech × Photo: Christoforos Hadjicostis for contributions to distributed and discrete event systems Acceptance Speech × Photo: Sirish Shah for contributions to process and performance monitoring Acceptance Speech × Photo: Maria Prandini for contributions to stochastic, hybrid and distributed control systems theory Acceptance Speech × Photo: Sandra Hirche for contributions to human-machine interaction and networked control Acceptance Speech × Photo: Antonella Ferrara for contributions to sliding mode control theory Acceptance Speech × Photo: Sarah Spurgeon for contributions to variable structure control and estimation Acceptance Speech × Photo: Jun Zhao for contributions to switched systems and dissipativity theory Acceptance Speech × Photo: Andrea Garulli for contributions to set membership identification and robust analysis of uncertain systems Acceptance Speech × Photo: Yasamin Mostofi for contributions to control and communications co-optimization in mobile sensor networks Acceptance Speech × Photo: Kirsten Morris for contributions to control and estimator design for infinite-dimensional systems Acceptance Speech × 2019 Photo: Benjamin Van Roy for contributions to the theory and practice of reinforcement learning and approximate dynamic programming Acceptance Speech × Photo: Mihailo Jovanovic for contributions to modeling, optimization, and control of large-scale and distributed systems Acceptance Speech × Photo: Min Wu for contribution to the field of advanced control and intelligent automation for complex systems Acceptance Speech × Photo: David Castañón for contributions to discrete time stochastic control and information fusion Acceptance Speech × Photo: Antonis Papachristodoulou for fundamental contributions to theory and applications of Sum of Squares Programing and networked control systems Acceptance Speech × Photo: Maurizio Porfiri for contributions to networked control systems and biomimetic robotics Acceptance Speech × Photo: Murti Salapaka for enabling nano-science using control and systems technologyfor enabling nano-science using control and systems technology Acceptance Speech × Photo: Maarten Steinbuch for contributions to Advanced Motion Control, Mechatronics, Medical Robotics, and Electric Driving Acceptance Speech × Photo: Mario Sznaier for outstanding contributions to Multiobjective Robust Control, Robust Identification, and Dynamic Vision Acceptance Speech × Photo: Panagiotis Tsiotras for fundamental contributions to the application of nonlinear and optimal control to aerospace systems Acceptance Speech × Photo: Santosh Devasia for contributions to feedforward control of non-minimum-phase systems Acceptance Speech × Photo: Emilia Fridman for contributions to time-delay systems and sampled-data control Acceptance Speech × Photo: Bart De Schutter for contributions to optimization-based control of discrete-event systems, hybrid systems, transportation networks, and infrastructure networks Acceptance Speech × Photo: Keum-shik Hong for contributions to adaptive estimation and brain-computer interface techniques using near-infrared light Acceptance Speech × Photo: Nicola Elia for fundamental contributions to Networked Control Systems Acceptance Speech × 2018 Photo: Biao Huang for contributions to and application of Bayesian softsensing for control performance monitoring Acceptance Speech × Photo: Wei Lin for contributions to nonlinear control systems Acceptance Speech × Photo: Sonia Martínez for contributions to the geometric mechanics and control Acceptance Speech × Photo: Girish N. Nair for contributions to control and information in networked dynamical systems Acceptance Speech × Photo: Andrew G. Alleyne for contributions to the control of thermal management systems Acceptance Speech × Photo: Silviu-iulian Niculescu for research on the effects of delays in system dynamics Acceptance Speech × Photo: Giuseppe Calafiore for contributions to probabilistic methods for robust control design Acceptance Speech × Photo: Hitay Özbay for contributions to robust control for infinite dimensional systems Acceptance Speech × Photo: Mark Campbell for contributions to control and estimation theory for autonomous systems Acceptance Speech × Photo: Karen Rudie for contributions to the supervisory control theory of discrete event systems Acceptance Speech × Photo: Fariba Fahroo for contributions to computational optimal control theory Acceptance Speech × Photo: Tong Zhou for contributions to robust identification and estimation of control systems Acceptance Speech × Photo: Naira Hovakimyan for contributions to control with applications to aerospace and robotic systems Acceptance Speech × Photo: Jonathan How for contributions to guidance and control of air and space vehicles Acceptance Speech ×
For contributions to the control of unmanned aerial vehicles and learning-based control for robot manipulators
for leadership and contributions to the development, implementation and on-orbit demonstration of spacecraft control technologies
for contributions to hybrid and safety-critical nonlinear control with demonstration on robotic systems
for contributions to the theory and practice of reinforcement learning and approximate dynamic programming
for fundamental contributions to theory and applications of Sum of Squares Programing and networked control systems
for enabling nano-science using control and systems technologyfor enabling nano-science using control and systems technology
for outstanding contributions to Multiobjective Robust Control, Robust Identification, and Dynamic Vision
for fundamental contributions to the application of nonlinear and optimal control to aerospace systems
for contributions to optimization-based control of discrete-event systems, hybrid systems, transportation networks, and infrastructure networks
for contributions to adaptive estimation and brain-computer interface techniques using near-infrared light