Workshop TC-SC ITSC 2023 Autonomous, Connected, and Electrified Mobility Systems: Toward Human-Centered Paradigms Website Description From a technical perspective, this workshop will discuss socio-technical and control problems from the individual user-level up to the transportation-system-level, focusing on the interaction between different modes of transportation, and how they can be integrated to develop safe and efficient intelligent transportation systems. Overall, the goal of the workshop is to provide researchers with an overview of current and future mobility challenges to be addressed by our community, and, at the same time, exchange results, ideas and visions on how our community can contribute to sustainable and human-centered mobility systems and, ultimately, our society. Workshop Moderators Mauro Salazar ([email protected]), Assistant Professor, Control Systems Technology, TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands Raphael Stern ([email protected]), Assistant Professor, Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geo- Engineering, University of Minnesota, United States Share This Event facebook twitter linkedin Email Date & Time Sun, September 24, 2023 – Sun, September 24, 2023 Add to calendar Location Bilbao, Spain Bilbao, Spain Topics Smart Cities