John Doyle

John Doyle

John Doyle


John Doyle is the John G Braun Professor of Control and Dynamical Systems, Electrical Engineer, and BioEngineering at Caltech. He has a BS and MS in EE, MIT (1977), and a PhD, Math, UC Berkeley (1984). Current research interests are in theoretical foundations for complex networks in engineering and biology, focusing on architecture, and for multiscale physics. Early work was in the mathematics of robust control, including LQG robustness, (structured) singular value analysis, H-infinity plus recent extensions to nonlinear and networked systems. His research group has collaborated in many software projects, including the Robust Control Toolbox (muTools), SOSTOOLS, SBML (Systems Biology Markup Language), and FAST (Fast AQM, Scalable TCP). Prize paper awards include the IEEE Baker, the IEEE Automatic Control Transactions Axelby (twice), and best conference papers in ACM Sigcomm and AACC American Control Conference. Individual awards include the AACC Eckman, and the IEEE Control Systems Field and Centennial Outstanding Young Engineer Awards. He has held national and world records and championships in various sports. He is best known for having excellent co-authors, students, friends, and colleagues.

Position(s) & Affiliation(s)

California Institute of Technology
United States