Overview, Success Stories, and Research Challenges
This report discusses and exemplifies the accomplishments of control technology and future opportunities for the field. Please read the Introduction and Summary below for more information on the content and format of the report.
The material in this report is freely and publicly available for reuse, provided that the source is acknowledged. The report can be cited as: "The Impact of Control Technology, T. Samad and A.M. Annaswamy (eds.), IEEE Control Systems Society, 2011, available at www.ieeecss.org." Titles and authors of individual sections should also be acknowledged as appropriate.
Parts of the report can be accessed in pdf form from the table of contents below. The report includes a number of illustrated flyers; these are also available in high-resolution (HR) versions.
The report is also available as a consolidated pdf document.
The report is published by the IEEE Control Systems Society. Sponsors of the report, in addition to IEEE CSS, are the Institute for Advanced Study and CoTeSys (Technical University of Munich), Deutsche Forschungs-Gemeinschaft, and the U.S. National Science Foundation.
We welcome new submissions for a possible updated edition—please e-mail us at tariq.samad@honeywell.com and aanna@mit.edu if you are interested in contributing.