Peyton Young

Peyton Young


Peyton Young is James Meade Professor of Economics at Oxford University and a Senior Fellow in Economic Studies at The Brookings Institution in Washington. He has published widely on game theory, bargaining and negotiation, public finance, political representation, voting, and distributive justice.   His books include Fair Representation (Yale University Press, 1982), Fair Allocation (American Mathematical Society, 1985, ed.), Cost Allocation: Methods, Principles, Applications (North-Holland, 1985), Negotiation Analysis (University of Michigan Press, 1991), Equity in Theory and Practice (Princeton University Press, 1994), Individual Strategy and Social Structure (Princeton University Press, 1998), and Strategic Learning and Its Limits (Oxford University Press, 2004). Professor Young is President of the Game Theory Society, a Fellow of the British Academy, a Fellow of the Econometric Society, and an External Faculty member of the Santa Fe Institute.