All Conferences & Events

Current & Upcoming events

Conference Name and Organizers Dates Location
7th International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems [VSS 2002]
General Chair(s): Asif Sabanovic
Program Chair(s): Vadim I. Utkin
- Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Workshop on Networking Games and Resource Allocation [WNGRA 2002]
General Chair(s): Eitan Altman
Program Chair(s): Vladimir Mazalov
- Petrozavodsk, Russia
10th Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation [MED 2002]
General Chair(s): Joao J. S. Sentieiro
Program Chair(s): Michael Athans
- Lisbon, Portugal
Fifth International Conference on Information Fusion [FUSION 2002]
General Chair(s): X. Rong Li
Program Chair(s): Ben Slocumb, Thia Kirubarajan
- Annapolis, MD, United States
Fourth International Conference on Nonlinear Problems in Aviation and Aerospace [ICNPAA 2002]
General Chair(s): S. Sivasundaram
Program Chair(s): Jossy Uvah
- Daytona Beach, FL, United States
2002 American Control Conference [ACC 2002]
General Chair(s): R. Russell
Program Chair(s): Eduardo Misawa
- Anchorage, AK, United States
34th Southeastern Symposium on System Theory [SSST 2002]
General Chair(s): C. D. Johnson
Program Chair(s): John Stensby
- Huntsville, AL, United States
First International Congress on Autonomous Intelligent Systems [ICAIS 2002]
General Chair(s): Saeid Nahavandi
Program Chair(s): Shawn Toumodge
- Geelong, Australia
Information, Decision and Control [IDC 2002]
General Chair(s): Professor Lang White
- Adelaide, Australia
International Conference on Control and Automation [ICCA 2002]
General Chair(s): Jie Huang
Program Chair(s): Maoqin Li
- Xiamen, China